Thanks for calling out the upcoming event from PDN! Fun fact: I tried to get someone from Substack to join the conversation and I very much hope they will work with the research community to help inform their ever-widening social features.

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I appreciate the T. Roosevelt quote. Are society and shareholders willing to allow social media to make mistakes? I am. In baseball, a very successful player makes outs 2/3 times. Many successful politicians have lost races, from Lincoln to Obama. As a society, we have to support those platforms willing to make mistakes. As shareholders, we need to elect boards or support business policies which are supportive of those who are trying to deal with content moderation. We should all start with the assumption that this debate should have started 20 years ago, with policies enacted 15 years ago, so that we are in the second or third generation of reasonable policies. We should act that the longer we wait we will have more detrimental leaks, espousal of hate speech and harm to young people who spend more time on social media than they do with people.

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We don’t promote this in Glitterpill LLC but we have a community resilience arm for people doing this work. I’d be happy to share some of our resources with you and others.

Keep fighting the good fight!

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