Sounds like you are doing a lot of pondering as you soak up various bits of information. I do this often. Ruminate on it all for some time and eventually land on where I stand or how I feel about something. The dichotomy between social sites and news is a good one. I didn’t want my FB page to be a news page about news of world. I wanted news about my cousins in Sweden and family and friends living farther away. One it stopped being that. I stopped FB.

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Thank you so much for the mention Katie! I was so surprised to be browsing all these links and then randomly encounter it, not even from a notification :) Thank you for all the great curation you’re doing 🙏❤️

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P.S. I love ANY Taffy piece, loved the Swiftie one too, so fun to see that make your list as well!

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This was my first time reading a Taffy piece - at least to my recollection. It is so good. I'll need to go find some of her previous work.

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This goop / gp profile is another all-time favorite for all the personal elements she wove into it :) https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/25/magazine/big-business-gwyneth-paltrow-wellness.html

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